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Right to Education (RTE) Act 2009

लेखक की तस्वीर: Nagesh NaiduNagesh Naidu

अपडेट करने की तारीख: 16 अग॰ 2023

Education for all children between the ages of 6 and 14 became a fundamental right in 2009 after the Right to Education (RTE) Act was passed. It also established the fundamental guidelines that all elementary schools across the nation must adhere to. As a result, kids now have the right to free primary education. This implies that no child will be required to pay any form of fee or charge to finish their basic education. The RTE legislation also strives to provide a curriculum that makes sure the child benefits from all-around growth, enhancing their talent, potential, and knowledge. It is now required by the Right to Education Act that children from economically disadvantaged households have a 25% reservation in private schools.

Main features of Right Education (RTE) Act of 2009

  • All children between the ages of 6 and 14 are expected to receive a basic education under the RTE Act.

  • It upholds Article 21's declaration of education as a fundamental right.

  • The act requires a 25% reservation for the society's most disadvantaged populations, which include:

STs and SCs

Socially Backward Class

Differently abled

  • It provides for the admission of a non-admitted youngster to a class that is appropriate for their age.

  • Additionally, it mentions the division of duties between the Central and State Governments in terms of finances and other matters.

  • It establishes the guidelines and requirements for:

o Pupil Teacher Ratios (PTRs)

Buildings and infrastructure

School-working days

Teacher-working hours.

  • The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (Amendment) Act, 2019, eliminated a clause titled "No Detention Policy" from the law.

  • Additionally, it prohibits the use of teachers for non-educational tasks, with the exception of the annual census, local government elections, state legislature and parliamentary elections, and disaster relief.

  • It allows for the hiring of teachers who possess the necessary entry-level and academic credentials.

  • It prohibits.

Physical punishment and mental harassment

Screening procedures for admission of children

Capitation fee

Private tuition by teachers

Running of schools without recognition.

  • It focuses on removing fear, trauma, and anxiety from the child through a system of kid-friendly and child-centered learning.


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Aug 09, 2023

Very Good study material in nut shell

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